Fee is collected in the office from Monday to Saturday except on Holidays between 07:00 a.m. To 02:00 p.m. No payment shall be received thereafter. Fee deposit every month of date 1 st to 10 th . If delay date 10 th then late payment Rs. 5/- per day.
Class : Fee (Rs.)
Nursery : Rs600 /- per month
L.K.G : Rs700 /- per month
U.K.G : Rs800 /- per month
lst : Rs900 /- per month
llnd : Rs900 /- per month
lllrd : Rs900 /- per month
IVth : Rs900 /- per month
Vth : Rs900 /- per month
VIth : Rs1100 /- per month
VIIth : Rs1100 /- per month
VIIIth : Rs1100 /- per month